Civil Engineer Career Path

Most of the new graduates have the same question in their mind about their career path as a civil engineer; “Which way is the best for my career “and of course “how I can plan my career path”.

On my side there are a lot of ways and branches for creating or determining your path also former step will affect your next step and “what is your goal”. The two main discussions are also engaging with each other.

As an example if you want to go on with the Academic career you should make strong grades and of course GPA. Your grades will affect universities decision for Masters or PhD as well as scores of GRE (for US) or ALES (for Turkey), etc.

Some days ago I have noticed that American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Committee on Career Development created a book or brochure about career paths in Civil Engineering which has classified on the sectors as Government, Education, consulting, Industry and Construction, like a career path guide for civil engineers

Here, seek out the career path that best fits your goals and will be most satisfying to you.

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